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(PHP 4 )

highlight_file -- Syntax highlighting of a file


boolean highlight_file (string filename)

The highlight_file() function prints out a syntax higlighted version of the code contained in filename using the colors defined in the built-in syntax highlighter for PHP. It returns true on success, false otherwise (PHP 4).

Example 1. Creating a source highlighting URL

To setup a URL that can code hightlight any script that you pass to it, we will make use of the "ForceType" directive in Apache to generate a nice URL pattern, and use the function highlight_file() to show a nice looking code list.

In your httpd.conf you can add the following:

<Location /source>     ForceType application/x-httpd-php </Location>        

And then make a file named "source" and put it in your web root directory.

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Source Display</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="white"> <?php     $script = getenv ("PATH_TRANSLATED");     if(!$script) {     echo "<BR><B>ERROR: Script Name needed</B><BR>";     } else {     if (ereg("(\.php|\.inc)$",$script)) {     echo "<H1>Source of: $PATH_INFO</H1>\n<HR>\n";     highlight_file($script);     } else {     echo "<H1>ERROR: Only PHP or include script names are allowed</H1>";      }     }     echo "<HR>Processed: ".date("Y/M/d H:i:s",time()); ?> </BODY> </HTML>        

Then you can use an URL like the one below to display a colorized version of a script located in "/path/to/script.php" in your web site.     

See also highlight_string(), show_source().
