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(PHP 3>= 3.0.7, PHP 4 >= 4.0RC1)

ibase_num_fields -- Get the number of fields in a result set


int ibase_num_fields (int result_id)

Returns an integer containing the number of fields in a result set.

<?php     $dbh = ibase_connect ($host, $username, $password);     $stmt = 'SELECT * FROM tblname';     $sth = ibase_query ($dbh, $stmt);      if (ibase_num_fields($sth) > 0) {         while ($row = ibase_fetch_object ($sth)) {             print $row->email . "\n";         }     } else {         die ("No Results were found for your query");     }      ibase_close ($dbh); ?>       

See also: ibase_field_info().

Note: Ibase_num_fields() is currently not functional in PHP 4.
