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(PHP 3>= 3.0.8, PHP 4 )

OCIFetchStatement -- Fetch all rows of result data into an array.


int OCIFetchStatement (int stmt, array &variable)

OCIFetchStatement() fetches all the rows from a result into a user-defined array. OCIFetchStatement() returns the number of rows fetched.

Example 1. OCIFetchStatement

<?php /* OCIFetchStatement example (990624) */  $conn = OCILogon("scott","tiger");  $stmt = OCIParse($conn,"select * from emp");  OCIExecute($stmt);  $nrows = OCIFetchStatement($stmt,$results); if ( $nrows > 0 ) {    print "<TABLE BORDER=\"1\">\n";    print "<TR>\n";    while ( list( $key, $val ) = each( $results ) ) {       print "<TH>$key</TH>\n";    }    print "</TR>\n";        for ( $i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++ ) {       reset($results);       print "<TR>\n";       while ( $column = each($results) ) {             $data = $column['value'];          print "<TD>$data[$i]</TD>\n";       }       print "</TR>\n";    }    print "</TABLE>\n"; } else {    echo "No data found<BR>\n"; }       print "$nrows Records Selected<BR>\n";   OCIFreeStatement($stmt); OCILogoff($conn); ?>      